Fallout new vegas start
Fallout new vegas start

fallout new vegas start

When it came out in October of 2010, I remember being on board the hype train. It will live indefinitely in my Steam ‘Favourites’ category, because looking through my 65 hours of save games is like reliving multiple past lives. Hardcore reverts back to Fallout 3's harsh system, in which a Deathclaw's first swipe will send your beloved companion's head sailing - and it's not as funny when happens to one of your guys.I always seem to find a reason to return to Obsidian Entertainment’s Fallout: New Vegas. In normal, your companions might get knocked out in a fight, but they'll get back up again once combat's over (assuming you survived). Recommended Perks: Cannibal, Ghastly Scavenger 5: Companions stay dead Just an hour or two of shut-eye every day or so keeps you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as you can be. As for sleep, you don't exactly need the recommended eight hours a night. The worst that's likely to happen to you is getting irradiated due to drinking dirty water and eating too much Radroach meat, but a quick fast-travel trip to the doctor's office will fix you up lickity split. Whenever you get a notification that you're suffering from minor starvation, just eat something. You can't swing a dead iguana without hitting something to eat - and even if you could, you could eat the iguana. This aspect of Hardcore mode is disappointingly un-hardcore due to the abundance of tasty food, fresh water and comfy mattresses. In effect, your health bar is diminished from near-immortality to frighteningly finite. But Hardcore mode changes all that: now a stimpack will take several seconds so to work its magic, and in the heat of battle you're almost certainly going to take damage faster than you're healing.

fallout new vegas start

Those syringes full of magical juice, both the normal and super varieties, can stimulate your body from battered bones and shredded flesh back to Isaiah Mustafa -like condition in the blink of an eye, meaning that your health bar is basically infinite until you've exhausted your supply.

fallout new vegas start

In normal mode, you're basically invulnerable until you run out of stimpacks. This is the biggie - all the rest of the changes combined won't affect you as much as one. More like "HELL Yes!" 1: Stimpacks don't heal instantly What's Hardcore mode, and are you hardcore enough to play it? Don't jump in blind: read our guide to the five big differences, and tips for how to survive the increased deadliness of the Hardcore Nevada wastes.

Fallout new vegas start